Have you been wondering if going to an IOP is right for you? Do you struggle with addiction and want to receive the right level of treatment? Consequently, do you find your mental health has held you back in life? Then you may very well benefit from our intensive outpatient program in Woodland Hills. If you answered “yes” to either of those questions, then we very well may be able to help you in a variety of ways. Below, we’ll go in-depth on who would be a good fit here as well as why many have chosen our IOP.
Who Is a Good Fit for Our IOP
Those who are best served by an IOP are those with moderate to severe symptoms who struggle to function in their daily lives. So, if you’re addicted to drugs and alcohol, aren’t able to quit, and it’s affecting your life, then we can help. The same with your mental health: if you can’t seem to improve it and it’s worsened your quality of life, please reach out.
Who May Not Be the Best Fit for Our IOP
Those who we may not be able to best help are those who have either more severe or milder symptoms than what was covered in the last section. So, for example, if you’re a threat to yourself or to others, then you most likely need 24-hour supervision and an IOP would not be the right level of care for you. Consequently, if your symptoms are mild, if they don’t affect your day-to-day quality of life, then you would best be served elsewhere. To reiterate, if your mental health struggles and/or addiction are worsening your life, Arision is here to help you to lay that burden down.
Flexibility for Your Functionality
Perhaps the key benefit of an IOP is the flexibility of scheduling. This is not residential treatment. You do not stay here when the day ends. Instead, you go home, to your bed, to your family, to your job, to your life, to your support system, and so forth. Through this, you’ll be able to put what you learned and worked on here at Arision to practice in “real-time”, so to speak, to see how it really works for you.
A PHP and an Intensive Outpatient Program in Woodland Hills
We’re quite proud of the IOP that we’ve created here at Arision. Already, in just the time that we’ve been open, we’ve been able to help so many to take significant steps forward on their recovery journey. That said, we also offer a PHP as well. This is a higher level of care than our IOP, even more intensive, yet, at the end of the session, you still return home. When you reach out to us for intake, we can determine the right level of care for you or someone you love. To learn more or to start the process, you can message us through our site or call.