Have you been researching IOPs but found that they’re a little vague in details? When you read blogs, social media posts, and the like, do you want to ask: “That’s all great, but what will we actually be doing?” At Arision intensive outpatient in Woodland Hills, we aim to be as transparent as possible. We feel that the more a person knows about our programs and exactly what they’re like, the better a decision they’ll be able to make for their mental health. Below covers a bit of what a typical day can be like here (even though there’s really no such thing as a “typical day” at Arision). 

Individual Therapy 

At some point during your day (or week, depending on your personalized treatment plan) you’ll have an individual session with your therapist. Your therapist will be exactly that: yours. They’ll have a hand in creating your personalized treatment plan and also how to implement it. During your time here, they’ll work with you on not just reducing your symptoms but also helping you to discover their underlying causes (which many aren’t necessarily aware of or fully aware of). Then, together, you’ll work through those, ultimately making great progress on the symptoms that have been plaguing you. 

Group Therapy 

Group therapy can make up a significant portion of the day here at Arision as well. In these sessions, you’ll be with others who may be going through similar struggles as yourself: maybe they’re battling addiction, perhaps they’re struggling with their mental health, and so forth. These sessions are an opportunity for you to listen to and learn from those who may have been exactly where you are right now. 

A Group to Grow Together 

By that same token, you can strengthen social skills that may have “fallen by the wayside,” so to speak. So many of our patients have, in time, found their own voice during these sessions, speaking up and expressing themselves confidently and forthrightly. As you can see, there are many skills here that can translate to the rest of your life beyond the journey of your recovery. 

Education Session 

Your day won’t just consist of therapy, of course. Far from it. Depending on your treatment plan, there could be any number of activities. Fitness, healthy eating, times for reflection, group activities, education sessions – all of those and so much more could be a part of your day. The truth is that saying what makes a “typical day” at Arision is impossible, as each day is different. Each presents its own opportunities, and each is another way to take a step forward on your recovery journey. 

Intensive Outpatient

Do It Again Tomorrow at Our Intensive Outpatient in Woodland Hills 

No matter how your day at Arision goes, it always ends the same way: with you returning home. Our PHP and IP can work around your schedule so that you can receive the care you need while going back to your life. To see how we can help you, you can message us through our site or give us a call.